Monday, September 19, 2011

Happy ONE Month Anniversary!!!

So today...September 19, our ONE Month Anniversary! Whoa! Where has the time gone? It seems like we have always been married and that our wedding was forever ago! We absolutely LOVE being married and are so excited for many more celebrations in the future!
So here is what we did...after a long day of school and work I surprised Aaron with a little, simple romanitc dinner. I had his shirt, pants, suit and tie that he wore to our wedding set out for him and I was wearing my "getway/luncheon" dress (and I even kind of did my hair the same!). When Aaron came out...this song was playing...
This is the song we danced to at our reception and Aaron surprised me that night by actually singing it to me while we danced! So Cute! (I will post the video at a later date).
While this was going...
No, it is not a real fire and no we do not have a fireplace (fooled you!)...this is the simulated thing you can buy on a even makes crackling noises and moves and you can pick your setting!
We then slow danced in our living room to the song while enjoying the warmth of the fire ;) and then we went into the kitchen where this was all set up...
 A yummy dinner, lamp a glowing (no candles allowed...and no matches), some pictures of us, nice/fancy settings...the works!
And this was even bubbling...
Aaron poured us a glass of Martinelli's...(notice our "stemless wine glasses!)
And then we sat down to enjoy a nice dinner, and reminisced about the good old days when we were young and in love ;) ...ok, we are still madly in love!
It made for a really fun and romantic evening. It was fun to relive our wedding day and we are so happy to be married to each other! One month down...eternity to go! Woo Hoo!


  1. so cute :) happy one month!! tomorrow is our four month anniversary!! bring on eternity!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Hooray for 1 month anniversaries! Very nice touch wearing your wedding outfits.


Bloggin' With The Butlers