Thursday, May 24, 2012

May Wedding(s)

We attended Emily and Joe's wedding a couple weeks ago. Both of their last names are Johnson so I affectionally called it a "Johnson & Johnson" Wedding :) It was a beautiful day and we were even able to go inside for the sealing. It was a fun time to be with family and cousins.
 The stunning Bride and Groom!
 Carlie was asked to be a Bridesmaid and so she got to wear an adorable pink dress for the occasion!
 Most of the pictures we took...had Carlie in them :) And most of them turned out like the ones below:
 Thankfully we did get a good one!
 It must run in the family because here is the Bro:
We took some cute shots outside the temple while we waited to take the big family shots:
 The adorable parents:
 We then went to the luncheon at a place called Jeremiahs! They even made the marquee! Awesome!
 Between the luncheon and reception we went and got Wendy's and set up a table on the stage behind the reception curtains so we could eat without ruining the reception.
 Some of my favorite people:
 Ok, so maybe Carlie and I look a little similar...
 We then joined in the dancing at the reception and had a blast dancing with our cousins:

The next wedding we went to last weekend was in Las Vegas and it was for Aaron's favorite cousin Alex! We were so happy we could go down for it! It was beautiful and SO fun to hang with family! I wish I would have taken more pictures...especially with family in them but that's ok.

Aaron was asked to be a groomsman and because the wedding colors were yellow and gray, he wore a gray tux and let me tell you...he looked GREAT in it!
Some fun wedding pics...Aaron is the one jumping really high!
 I had Aaron "model" his tux for me and so here are some pics...(I may get in trouble for this but he looks so great, I couldn't not put them up!)
 We even, finally, got some pictures of us...kind of :)
 Here are some random snapshots that I took of the reception while Aaron stood in the line :(
Aaron was asked to sing their "first dance" song and he did a beautiful job! Everyone loved it!
We were sad it was such a short weekend because we had to leave early the next morning but we were able to play after the reception and talk together with everyone and it was wonderful! 


  1. aubrie you are so cute! where did you get your pink dress and flower cardigan in the last couple pictures? so glad you are having a fun summer!!

  2. Um, okay. Do you hate me?!! You're not supposed to post those pictures without permission. Ga-heez.

  3. Chuck, you need to practice what you preach! You are all about posting the most hideous pictures of us.

    I agree, Aaron looks awfully handsome in that gray tux! Thanks for all the model poses:) Glad you had a great time in Vegas. The wedding looked lovely! xoxo mom


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